Frank, left, John Hong, second from right, and owner
Harold V. Lyons watch as Bob Wyatt demonstrates a new technique.
long, rewarding and multifaceted career of actuary and tenor
soloist Harold V. Lyons has encompassed all forms of music.
Always fascinated by the organ, Mr. Lyons bought his first organ
more than a decade after retiring. When Mr. Lyons recently took
the luxury bus trip to the Allen International Sales Headquarters
in Pennsylvania, he heard host and master organist Tom Hazleton's
exciting program on the then-largest Allen theatre organ. Amazed
by the great variety of the colorful orchestral and classical
sounds, Mr. Lyons placed an order a few days later for an identical
organ for his home. When serious sickness struck his family,
there was a surprising result. The organ music unexpectedly
became therapy and the results have been a most happy bonus.