The Church of the Transfiguration
Maspeth, Queens
Wedding guests (photo, left) await the bridal party on a lovely summer morning at the beautiful wood-paneled, A-frame Church of the Transfiguration, Maspeth, Queens, NY, where the Father Paul A. Wood is pastor and Virginius Barkauskas is Director of Music and Organist.
Beside the church entrance is a small park (photo, right) in which there is a worship shrine to honor the people of Lithuania who died in their struggle for freedom.
A three-manual, 50-stop Renaissance organ graces the gallery of the Church of the Transfiguration. Fr. Ted Rooney has been enjoying the new life which the organ has brought to the church family and community, especially when the organ installation was one week after the destruction of the World Trade Center. "We have to go on and this has already brought so much to our parish and community, which lost all of the firefighters on duty that day. The people of our parish love our music director Virginius Barkauskas and he loves them. We enjoy hearing him play and we wanted him to have a fine instrument. His playing adds so much to the vitality of the liturgy. Our prayer is that our liturgies, week after week, will find a special friend in this beautiful instrument," said Father Ted.
The Inaugural Organ Concert was on November 11, 2001, Veterans Day, which was also two months after the terrorists' attack. Patriotic music was included. Said Deacon John Giglio, "The dedication concert was really beautiful. I loved the organ and the music. It was great."
"It's a great organ...I love it!" echoes Transfiguration's Music Director, Virginius Barkauskas, concert organist, who also has an Allen organ in his home.