Vincent de Paul Roman Catholic Church

Easter morning Mass with Fr. Don Babinski, pastor, prominently
featuring the new organ.
Stephanie Larkin, right, leads the Easter morning hymn-singing
with robust playing, as Fr. Dan Sheridan smiles his approval.
and colorful organist, Father Dan Sheridan, below, associate
pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Church, tests the lungs of the
new installation.Two diocesan organists and
directors of music (left) listen intently, as they await their
turns: Ray Henderson, left, of St. Joseph's Church, Garden City,
and Steven Frank, of St. Pancras Church, Glendale.

technician Bill Hubert, right, who is also an organist and a
music director, seems pleased with the results, as Bob Wyatt,
left, Stephanie Larkin, organist of St. Vincent's, and Father
Dan Sheridan watch.

decorative enclosures, above, were designed
and built by carpenter and parishioner, Mr. Bob Stein.

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